Tuesday Jan 16, 2024

18. Misconceptions of Overweight & Underweight

There are some EXTREME misconceptions of those who are overweight and underweight.  While there are those with a VERY unhealthy relationship with food that requires intervention, there are MANY who are trying to implement healthy habits and still struggling on one end of the spectrum or the other.  But WHY?

It always comes down to the foundations which in Nutritional Therapy we focus on digestion, blood sugar regulation, fatty acids, hydration, and minerals.....along with other healthy habit implementation.

There are many possible root causes and solutions, but the steps you take are very dependent on your individual needs.  Listen in as we talk about this seemingly complicated and popular health topic.


Grab your favorite drink, a healthy snack, and maybe even a notebook.


Survey - please take a few minutes to help us out by completing this survey that will help us create the content that is truly helpful for you.


FREE 10-Day Healthy Habits Challenge


Check out the Lifestyle Program  that we mentioned in this episode.  You can get started on this anytime and be included in a private group for support.  We look forward to creating quarterly challenges using this program. However, if you are ready now, sign up to get started.


Join our waitlist for our Nourish To Thrive Program we look forward to relaunching SOON!  Be the first to know when enrollment opens, and get an exclusive discount on enrollment.

Get the guidance that will provide lasting results.  It's time to remove the overwhelm, stop chasing symptoms and fad programs and start restoring foundational health.  More info to come to all on the VIP waitlist.


Website: www.madetobethriving.com

Email: info@madetobethriving.com

Social: @madetobethriving 

Facebook Community:  Faith, Gut Health & Non-Toxic Living

Freebies: Immune Support Recipes


*Disclaimer: Information provided today are  for informational and educational purposes only. The information and education provided is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis.*

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